Thursday, June 28, 2012

1.1 is not enough

Chris was scheduled to have his next chemo treatment today. But, when he arrived and they checked his white blood cell count it had gone from very low to extremely low. Normal WBC range is 4-8, and last week Chris' count was "low" at 2.8. This week he hit an all time low of 1.1 (sigh).  Apparently the chemo kills off the new baby blood cells that his blood marrow makes and it takes time for them to "grow." Dr. B is confident that his counts will be back up to "low" by Monday, and chemo can continue.
I think this may be the way things go for a while during these first few months of treatment as his body tries to recuperate. Chris isn't allowed to go anywhere AT ALL this weekend to avoid all you "germy" people, so basketball games and church will be solo affairs for me and the boys. Please pray for lots of new baby white blood cells between now and Monday!