Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday Update: Chris

Chris is home!! We picked him up this morning and ran a few errands to prepare for his final test tomorrow, his GI scope. The oncologist is hoping to get some preliminary results on the previous biopsies back today, but we do already know that Chris' anemia is a little bit worse than before. The GI test will check for internal bleeding as a possible reason for low red blood cell levels.

The results of Chris' CT scan yesterday show that there are no other areas in his body with enlarged lymph nodes. This is obviously a good sign, but also that will help with the staging of the cancer. If the cancer is on only one side of the body and has not passed to the other it indicates a better prognosis- the cancer is more centralized and hasn't spread across the blood stream to the other side.

Chris is very tired and will have to be on a liquid diet for almost 36 hours for the final test, so keeping his energy levels up will be a challenge. Please pray for stamina for him during this time. The test will be Friday at 1pm here locally.

Thank you for all the prayers and meals and phone calls and emails and texts. They mean the world to us.

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