Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Psalm 23

Wordle: psalm 23

(Click on picture for closer look at the art)

This is the coolest thing ever. There is a website called 'wordle' where you can customize any text into graphic art. Any text you enter becomes randomized into a free flowing shape. You can modify the font, colors, orientation, size, language, you name it. I entered Psalm 23 with a few modifications and out came what you see above. Best of all, once you create it, you can do whatever you like with it. Make objects with the words, print t-shirts, blog banners, print photos of it, etc. One thing to note, if you save it, it becomes public domain on the wordle website. Go check it out!

Lunch convo with a 3 year old boy

We were eating lunch at Chik-fil-A, aka Chickenland, just Luke and I. He picks up one of the tasty fries in his small hand. He grasps it fully in his palm and says, "Its a gun!" He then proceeds, to 'shoot' it around the room. Seconds later he takes a huge bite, snapping the 'gun' in half. Do mothers of girls ever have episodes like these? I think not. God has quite a sense of humor. And for the record... it did look like a gun.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Things the doctor doesn't tell you before surgery...

Well... my doctor failed to mention that I would not be able to drive for a week after my bladder repair surgery. THAT would have been good information to have, considering life continues moving after you leave the hospital. Our friends have rallied to my side and have picked up or walked Jacob home from school, taken Luke for the morning on play dates and even delivered us meals at night. What would we do without them? God only know and He's not letting us find out. Thank you! Thanks to all of you who have taken time and energy away from your families and given it to ours. Bless you! Only 4 more days of driving restrictions and then look out, I am on the road again!