Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tests finished...for now

Quick Update: The oncologist told us yesterday that Chris' cancer is Stage II B (out of 4 stages) and that his bone marrow biopsy was "clean" indicating no cancer in his bones at this point.  Both of these things are good signs, and Chris should see some improvement in his current symptoms after the first chemo treatment. Of course, chemo side effects will probably kick in- but hey, we like change right?

Today (Thursday): Im exhausted by the events of the day and I don't have cancer, so Im amazed at how well Chris is doing tonight. As you know, we had an extremely tight and probably impossible testing schedule today and yesterday. A number of wonderful things happened that I want to share.

Blessing number 1: The hospital called and asked us to come in early for Chris' port placement, getting us in 45 minutes ahead of schedule- we never would have made it to the next test if this hadn't happened.  The placement went perfectly, but Chris' blood pressure was too low to leave the hospital. We had to wait almost an hour total for him to finish "recovery." We left the hospital at 2:15, the same time as his PET scan was scheduled 20 minutes away in Denton.

Blessing number 2: After calling the office, they agreed to give us 15 more minutes to arrive- we made it there in record time, rolling in at 2:30pm. The PET scan went well and we should have the results back in time for Chris' chemo tomorrow morning.

Blessing number 3: Chris seems less tired and anxious than in days past. Its like a weight has been lifted having all the tests done.  He's sore from the port placement in his left chest wall, but moving around, eating, resting and generally doing well.

Blessing number 4: When the oncologist called yesterday and said he wanted us to come in right that minute, 4 hours earlier than our appointment to give us test results,  our friend Kim was able to arrive in record time after I sent out a flurry of text messages.  I don't know what we would do without all the babysitting, meals and prayers we have been given.

Blessing number 5: the boys are doing really well with all the crazy happening around here.  Apart from Jacob's concern that we don't know why Chris has cancer, they are taking it all in stride.  Last night we read Psalm 46 during our night-time devotional. It speaks of a time when King David was "in a scary place" and he trusted in God to be his safe place and his source of strength.  God's timing of this Psalm reading is great- a wonderful reminder that he is to be trusted in times of desperation. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the emails, texts, calls and prayers- just hearing the offers of help and thoughts you give are one of the ways God is providing for our family.

God is our refuge and strength, 
an ever-present help in trouble. 

Therefore we will not fear, 
though the earth give way and the 
mountains fall into the heart of the sea...
The Lord Almighty is with us; 
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Psalm 46 

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