Friday, December 18, 2009

This Fall and Winter in Photos

Been a loooooooooooooong time since I posted any photos of the boys, so here is a quick recap of our fall and winter via pictures. Luke decided to dress up as Bumblebee for Halloween- that's the Transformer, not the bee. You wouldn't believe how many people thought that a 4 year old boy would dress up like an actual bee for Halloween.

Jacob dressed up as a Jedi Knight for trick or treating. Which Jedi he was pretending to be depended on the day, but the important thing was that he was a good one and not on the Dark Side.

We went to Arkansas to visit my mom's sister Cookie, her husband Rusty and all my cousins and various nephews and a niece for Thanksgiving. Highlight of the trip for the kiddos? The giant leaf piles they made in the front yard.

We bought a LEGO Advent calendar for the Christmas season which the boys have LOVED! Trying to explain that Legos and Jesus dont really have anything in common has been a wee bit difficult, but we are trying. We are preparing to go to Arkansas yet again next week to visit Chris' side of the family. The presents are bought and wrapped, just got to do lots of laundry and prayer! Merry Christmas from ours to yours!
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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Denton: Transform begins

Our church participates in an awesome event called Transform. See the boys working hard to serve our city for God. Check it out at the link below.

The writer of the article is in our homegroup. Way to go Lacy!

Denton: Transform begins

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Psalm 23

Wordle: psalm 23

(Click on picture for closer look at the art)

This is the coolest thing ever. There is a website called 'wordle' where you can customize any text into graphic art. Any text you enter becomes randomized into a free flowing shape. You can modify the font, colors, orientation, size, language, you name it. I entered Psalm 23 with a few modifications and out came what you see above. Best of all, once you create it, you can do whatever you like with it. Make objects with the words, print t-shirts, blog banners, print photos of it, etc. One thing to note, if you save it, it becomes public domain on the wordle website. Go check it out!

Lunch convo with a 3 year old boy

We were eating lunch at Chik-fil-A, aka Chickenland, just Luke and I. He picks up one of the tasty fries in his small hand. He grasps it fully in his palm and says, "Its a gun!" He then proceeds, to 'shoot' it around the room. Seconds later he takes a huge bite, snapping the 'gun' in half. Do mothers of girls ever have episodes like these? I think not. God has quite a sense of humor. And for the record... it did look like a gun.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Things the doctor doesn't tell you before surgery...

Well... my doctor failed to mention that I would not be able to drive for a week after my bladder repair surgery. THAT would have been good information to have, considering life continues moving after you leave the hospital. Our friends have rallied to my side and have picked up or walked Jacob home from school, taken Luke for the morning on play dates and even delivered us meals at night. What would we do without them? God only know and He's not letting us find out. Thank you! Thanks to all of you who have taken time and energy away from your families and given it to ours. Bless you! Only 4 more days of driving restrictions and then look out, I am on the road again!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...a little late...

Drama. Drama. Drama. In Spades...

Yes, I am well aware that it has been a trillion years since my last posting, but my life has been chock full of drama. So much drama, it will take me 5 posting to catch you up. I have decided to dribble rather than dump my life for the last few months on you. You are so very welcome!

First post is regarding my eldest son, Jacob. See photo below- POST SURGERY!

Look a few millimeters over from his inner corner of his eye. The red lines are the sutures.
Last Saturday, we were shopping and we got tangled up in the store and one of the clothes hangers dangling over my arm, dangled itself into his right eye. Upon, unknown removal by me, by turning away from my son, it created a full-thickness tear of his upper eyelid. That created a centimeter long tear which looked like a triangular chunk of his eyelid was removed.
We proceeded with great alarm to the urgent care center, who upon taking my insurance information, refused to touch him and sent us to the ER next door. The ER, upon taking my insurance and admitting us, refused to touch him and transferred us to Children's Medical Center in Dallas. The injury was at 3pm, we got to Dallas at 6:30pm and he had surgery at 11:30pm. The poor thing not only never had ANY pain meds, he also didnt eat or drink for over 12 hours that day.
He did amazingly well. He was at times even charming the nursing staff into thinking that putting an IV in his arm was going to be "no big deal." Ha. Double Ha. By the time the surgery took place, he had exhausted every flexible, patient and pain-controlled nerve in his body. He was worn out. It took us 3 hours to wake him up post surgery to get him home, because they had to give him double the sedation meds to calm him down.
The pictures above "are not that bad" unless its your child needing sedation and you have to sign papers saying that you know its a possibility that your child may never wake up from the procedure. Thank you Lord for my husband, friend's prayers and my faith in God. I was a wreck and cried the entire surgery.
Jake is 100% in that eye. His vision was even 20/20 before they did the repair. The doctor said he was very, very, very lucky. No cornea damage and a few millimeters to the left and he would have needed tear duct repair, full admit to the hospital and a trip to the operating room. She says luck, I say God's Providence.