Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday the 6th

Chris WAS able to have his chemo treatment today. His WBC count was up to 4 from 2-ish earlier this week. I have two possible theories as to why they are up so high. #1: the insane amount of orange fruits and vegetables he consumed this week in either whole or juiced form (a whole bag of carrots in only a few hours is one example). He's going to be tanner looking in a week or so from all the beta- carotene he's eaten. #2: all of your prayers going out on his behalf- thank you. If you remember, please pray for my cousin Alan who has been fighting cancer for several years now- he was hospitalized while on a family trip to Chicago, due to blood clots, and may need some additional surgeries soon. His wife Melissa and their two kids would really appreciate your prayers. Chris has been a bit loopy today due to the steroid shot they give him on chemo day. It makes him feel pretty good for abour 24 hours. Let's just say he gets giggly- its fun to watch! No "roid rage" happening here. On the schedule for the weekend: lots of rest.

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