Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Speeding Train

 Friends-  things are starting to ramp up into warp speed for us.  Chris had a really bad night last night between a high fever and drenching night sweats. He was up changing clothes every couple of hours. After talking to his oncologist last night and again this morning, Dr. B wants to start chemo this Friday right after Chris gets his chemo port placed.  He's pushing to get us in today for the pulmonary test and to see him again this afternoon. We have the PET scan Thursday and the port placement Friday.  We were hoping to start chemo next week, but Dr. B doesn't want to wait any longer.

  Chris is really exhausted and is probably pushing himself harder than he needs to be, between work and all the cancer testing and life in general. After the fever broke early this morning, he was able to sleep peacefully for a few hours. He went to a chemo training class yesterday afternoon and found out what chemo medications he will be taking. He will go in for chemo for one day every 2 weeks for a 4 hour treatment session. They will give him 4 medications one after the other and then we have to wait and see how he responds/feels to the treatment. So many unknowns these days.  Life is never really in our control, even though we like to think it is- all of this is a reminder that God is in control and we are along for the ride. The good news is that He is right there with us leading the way.

 Please pray for strength for Chris- emotionally and physically. He's processing and worrying about anything and everything.  Pray that our appointments go smoothly and that we are able to get everything done today that Dr. B wants us to do.  Pray that the chemo side effects are mild and that Chris can bounce back quickly. Finally pray that the cancer will be destroyed and Chris restored!

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