Tuesday, September 30, 2008

year book part deux

My better half.... lookin' wicked awesome!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

year book

Here I am in all my glory...
from the 50's to the 90's.
I am way fabulous!

Friday, September 26, 2008

some cuteness...

Look at them! Aren't they the cutest? I keep reminding myself of that every time they tromp downstairs at 3am to ask if they can sleep with us or for us to take them to the bathroom, etc. Everthing seems to be flying by at the speed of light (except sleep deprivation). Got to keep in mind that they days will pass so soon. Pictures help me remembers how blessed I am.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday...

As this is the first of my wordless Wednesday's, I will explain what I am doing and then you will never hear from me again! I am stealing this idea from a friend (Melissa), but instead of cute photos of my boys, you will see silly and goofy stuff, with no interpretation from me. You don't have to thank me.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

This is personal...

Tonight was ugly. Jacob had what we call in our home, "a major meltdown." He was uber-tired and he didn't get what he wanted and it quickly escalated into hysteria and frustration. And here's the deal- this post is not about my child. This post is about me.

I "pride" myself on being a person who can figure things out. God has given me a moderate amount of intellegence and I supplement that with things I read or research. I keep trying things until I figure out what works best in a situation I am in or problem I have.

Current problem="I got nothin'." My son represents a problem that I do not have the resources, information or power to fix. Honestly, as I prayed, I realized that I think my pride is hurt. I cannot heal or repair my son's issues and that frustrates my pride. Don't misunderstand me- I hurt so much for Jacob and how he struggles. However, right now, the problem is ME. Scripture says that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Well, I don't think my mindset is humility folks.

The dictionary defines pride as a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc. The opposite of pride= humility.

Is God opposing me? So that I can see the error of my thinking? My faulty mindset that hard work and intellegence can fix that which is broken? Only God has the power to truly heal or repair broken people-where did my arrogance come from? I can see that my concept of who I am and who God is are skewed today. P.R.I.D.E. What an ugly word.

Wednesday, we have a woman from the school district coming to our house for a few hours to interview us and Jacob and watch us interact. Then she'll observe him at school and set up a plan for how to help us "train" Jacob at home. Basically, its parent training for Chris and I. Which we need. Admitting that is my baby step toward walking in humility with God.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Good News!

This is my cousin Alan. He and I are only a few months apart in age. We got married about the same time, and have children around the same age. He and his wife Melissa live in Arkansas and we don't get to see each other often. When we were kids, we were really close. I'd give him my corn on the cobb and he'd give me his black-eyed-peas (it was a great trade!) We even bonded over our love for The Dukes of Hazzard and beating up our younger cousin Ryan (don't ask!) Anyway, he found out last week that he has cancer. This past Monday he went to Little Rock and underwent his surgery. The surgery took approximately 3 1/2 hours. The surgeons did remove the tumor, the kidney, the entire spleen, and a lymph node close to the kidney. Afterwards, the doctors told Melissa that the surgery went extremely well. Recently, they got the test results back that the lymph node was completely free of cancer, which is fabulous news. As far as chemo and radiation, I haven't heard, but I would appreciate it if you would keep Alan, Melissa, Sydney and Carson, as well as his parents Rusty and Cookie and your prayers. Pray that their faith would not be shaken and that God will prove Himself faithful to them. He may get to go home this weekend if all goes well.

Friday, September 5, 2008

1st Day of School

Look at him. Isn't he
an imp? Let's just say
that getting a serious picture of Jacob is nigh on impossible. He is doing fabulous in the classroom and enjoys going everyday. He started speech therapy this week and I start being a homeroom parent next week. Luke is happy being at home with me and no one to take his toys. All is right with the world!

Chick-fil-A Day

We ate for free a couple of times on Chick-fil-A day last month. We only had to dress up like cows to get the free goodies. It was worth it!