Sunday, December 9, 2012

December Update

Uffda!  I (Chris) have been having a hard time logging in to update the blog.  Sorry that this is so late.  A number of things have happened.  I received my last chemotherapy treatment on November 27th.  Thank you so much for you prayers and support.  How I feel really is nothing short of miraculous and a measure of blessing that is hard to quantify.  I got really sick the treatment prior, and I thought that the accumulation was simply starting to takes its toll.  Again thank you so much for your prayers.  I have felt just fantastic this past week.  I was able to go with Andra to her work Christmas party and it was just a sweet time.  The folks at D&D have really been a huge blessing to Andra and especially to our family during this season.  It was wonderful to see everyone but I still really stink at the white elephant game - never pick the big present!

I am still not quite out of the woods.  I will start radiation after the first of the year.  This is fairly standard for the treatment of Hodgkins Lymphoma.  It is a 4 week/ 20 treatment regiment, but the doctors have explained the side effects are minor - very minor when compared to chemo.  The only real stink of it is that one of my kidneys is in the way.  I did not find a lot of comfort as the doctor explained that I have two kidneys and that I do not need both.  I will be going in the week after Christmas to do the planning, where they will work on positioning me and the radiation pattern.  Please continue to pray for the doctors and technicians that these treatments would go well and for protection of my kidney.

Merry Christmas!  I am really looking forward to the next couple of weeks.  Although I sometimes feel like I am trying to make up for the past six months, it is great to rejoin the living.  May the Lord bless and keep you during this wonderful season.