Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekend away... some of it really good, some not so much.

This is just a quick one. I dont even have the camera out of my jacket yet, so no photos either. We just rolled in from Charis Hills Camp. It is a camp specifically for kids with "special needs." 90% of the kids there were in the Autism spectrum, namely Aspergers, which is what Jacob has.

It was eerie to see so many of his traits on display there, things that I think are just 'him' are really Aspie traits. I used to wonder what he would have been like without his condition. Now I try and rest in the fact that God created him this way and not to dwell on the what ifs. Lord its hard. It was a difficult start for us yet the end of camp was sweet. It was great to be together as a family, dwelling on God's provision and being in the company of others in the same place. More to come...