Sunday, May 11, 2008

What Mother's Day is really all about...

Happy Mother's Day! Here is a great example of what it is like to have small children. This was not written by my, but it could have been, because its just like my life. So I stole it!

"To all the mothers out there, I hope you have a fabulous day. Surrounded by your loved ones.
My morning began with my 3 and 5 yr olds snuggling in bed with me. I use the term snuggling loosely, to include climbing on top of my head, tying my hair in knots, kneeing me in the stomach, and fighting over who is laying on what side of the bed. Nothing like breaking up a preschoolers brawl at 6am to wake you up.
As annoying as it is to be awoken in this manner when all you want to do is sleep another hour or five, the perspective of having older children makes me realize how short this season is. This is how they show they love me, in part by fighting over who gets to sit the closest to me. My older children don’t come and snuggle in bed anymore, being their mother is decidedly less physical. And so I take a deep breath and get out of bed with them.
Really isn’t that what Mother’s Day is all about? Not the sappy sweet sentimental cards, the handprinted cards, the breakfast in bed, or whatever else the media tells us that Mother’s Day should be all about.
Happy Mother’s Day. I wish a tantrum free day to everyone."
Love, Andra

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That's great! My Mother's Day was similar, plus a sick husband. :) Have a great day!