Tuesday, April 29, 2008

once a month...

Once a month... I think that is all I can handle doing for this blog apparently. Life keeps coming at me faster and faster. It makes you appreciate the fact that God is sovereign and He knows what is coming even when I don't.
BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) will be ending in 3 weeks. Those 9th and 10th graders are something else- I have seen my future and I am afraid! They are either as silent as stones or non-stop talkers. My co-leader Sheree and I had dinner together last night and had a great time talking about our families and the students. She has been so great- I have always admired her transparency and sense of humor. We are finally starting to get things down and there are just 3 meetings left. I can really see the growth in me this past year- definitely NOT a fun year, but a growing one. Funny how you can look back and see transformation but not feel it. All year our theme has been, "Are you going to be the same person at the end of year that you were at the beginning. All the stuff you have learned from studying God's word isnt worth it if you havent applied it to your lives." I am looking forward to processing everything and evaluating myself- 3 more weeks!

1 comment:

jen armstrong said...

i'm with you on once a month girl...love hearing about your journey!
and those handsome boys! wow-they're good lookin' wish we could see them in person!
love y'all