Wednesday, August 22, 2012

CT scan results are in

Chris got his test results back Tuesday on his CT scan last week. The doctor said that the tumors had decreased in size. One of the tumors was reduced almost 50% in size.  His chest was clear and there were no new cancer tumors. He will be on the same regimen of chemo and for now radiation is not needed. He was able to complete his chemo treatment yesterday, so that makes two treatments in a row since his blood counts are holding steady. His next treatment will be the halfway point in the entire process. Good, good, good news!
He says he is feeling good, and waiting for his white blood cell creating shot to kick in- the side effects usually last 1-2 days and after a week or so, he starts to feel pretty good.  He still has his hair, but the doctor expressed some surprise that he hadn't started losing it yet.  At the beginning they said he may not lose it- so I guess its a 50-50 shot at keeping it.
School starts next Monday and we have Meet the Teacher this Thursday night, but Chris probably wont be able to attend due to fatigue and lots of potential germs! Please be praying for us as school starts and we begin yet another routine of class, homework, Cub Scouts and work.  We have been loved on so much this summer with all of the meals and helping around our house and the phone calls/emails. Thank you for your prayers and support.  Andra and Chris

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