Saturday, August 9, 2008

Bootcamp results are in!

Well, the results are in. Today was the last day of bootcamp for me. 5 weeks of torture and foot pain has resulted in some very interesting numbers. I didn't lose a single pound (insert 4 day Sea World trip one week before weigh-in here) but I am still a loser.
I lost 3% body fat. I was able to do 27 pushups on the wall in a minute when I started, and 37 on my knees when I finished. And the greatest part was I lost 10.75 inches off by body! That tells me two important things. One, I may not have lost any weight but I now have a lot more muscle taking up space where the fat used to be. Two, that I had next to no muscle before I started. My poor body couldnt lose any weight, because I needed to make some muscle.
How was I even walking around before? So... anyone want to do it with me? It starts again on the 18th...


jen armstrong said...

go on sister! i'm so proud of you!!! i'm inspired enough not to eat ice cream tonight! thanks for that and keep up the hard work ;)

Melissa said...

You're awesome! I should do it with you, but I'm not ready to commit yet. :)

Kimmy said...

10.75 INCHES.......... !?!?!?!? That's awesome... way to go!

Kim said...

good for you!!!! i would do it with you if i were there...really..i'd find a way...i miss you.