Monday, July 7, 2008

It's official...I've joined the Army now

Seriously, I had my first night of bootcamp tonight at my gym. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be- but then again, the instructor said it was the easiest night of the 5 weeks. Ha! I thought the heat would be my undoing, because I am like a popsicle in the desert. I melt and become worthless. But after the first 15 minutes, it was just the exercises that were making me miserable. I wont bore you with details but suffice to say that this is perfectly sufficient for whipping my body into shape muy pronto. Another step in my quest for a healthier temple. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

let me know ALL about it! Boot camp changed my life... it did! First week is the hardest... it gets easier - promise! You GO girl! ~ kim