Saturday, March 17, 2007

Here we are! Team Sterzik. Big Jake is 4 years old, Andra and Chris, and Luke the Moose is 19 months old. We are living life in the fast lane here in Texas, and we do our best to keep up with the blessings the Lord has chosen to share with us.
Chris just got a new job within Texas Instruments and is thrilled to be pursuing a dream career path. However, this week, He is slaving away in Taiwan on a 7 day business trip. Andra spends her days chasing two energetic boys around and drinking her mandatory Sonic vanilla coke with easy ice (you know its bad when you pull into Sonic and your 3 year old says 'Mommy, I want a coke, easy ice.') Jacob is in children's day out twice a week learning social skills and ripping the knees out of every pair of pants he owns. Luke keeps me company at home, following me around asking for food and to pick him 'bup.' A busy season of life for us and it seems to pass by in a blur. We are trying to keep our perspective and our wits about us here, and can't wait to see what else God has in store for us in 2007.

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