Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Crazy life

Our life is crazy. Now I know that everyone's life feels crazy these days, but we have never experienced this level of craziness before in the Sterzik household. Chris is adjusting to the new job he took back early this summer. It is in a rather new area for him, and the learning curve has been high. We are leading a home group with our church, and finding the time to spend with everyone and giving these relationships the time they need has been stressful. We want to spend so much time with these folks we are 'doing life with' as we walk with Christ. Its frustrating having to go to work and clean the house when there are people to get to know!
I am also a Children's leader again this year with Bible Study Fellowship here in Denton. I have a fabulous co-leader, Sheree. We are teaching the 9/10th graders- whole new experience for me. These students are either as quiet as rocks, or we cant get them to stop talking. I am not sure which one of these is harder for me! The time required for the home group and BSF are exposing exactly how weak I am in myself. Somehow, every week God helps me get it all done, but I want so much more than just getting it done. I feel my inadequacy every day- it just keeps pushing me back to God for his aid.
Jacob was diagnosed a little over a month ago with ADHD. This was not a big shock to us, but since getting the diagnosis, all the waiting for intervention has turned into a flurry of activities. We are being reassessed through the school system, more thoroughly than this past spring. We have our ARD meeting next Tuesday to see if he qualifys for school based intervention. A speech pathologist will be observing him this week. His IQ testing showed a significant difference in his verbal versus non-verbal IQ. He struggles with any type of verbal instruction and has a very hard time understanding words in their contexts. Socially, this causes problems at school with his peers and his teachers. Thankfully, his teachers love him, which I pray for all the time. He loves school, loves learning and loves to be around other children. We are praying for him to get more help. He goes to a social skills class once a week to work on learning skills that 4 yr old boys need to have to carry on conversations and communicate effectively. It is all so overwhelming for our family. I am so blessed that God has placed another family going through similar circumstances with their 4 yr old son recently diagnosed with Autism. The mother Becky, has been such a source of encouragement and prayer. God is so good.
Luke is amazing. He is so charming and fun right now. He is also going through the 2 year old toots I like to call them. The tantrums and attitude have officially begun. He is such a little light in our house though. The boys are such great friends and love each other so much. Almost makes me want another one. Getting super sick a few weeks ago gave me a clue that I can barely keep up with life now, if I had another child, the floors would stay permanently sticky and crunchy here.
Well, I think that is enough rambling for now. I am going to add a bunch of photos for you to see, starting way back this summer. I love each one of you!

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