Thursday, May 24, 2007

Last Bible Study Fellowship with Louraine

This past year I have co-led a 5th/6th grade bible study for BSF. It has been lifechanging for me. I have learned so much by teaching those students and I am amazed at what God has done for me. These women have been such an encouragement and source of wisdom for me. Our fearless leader, Louraine Wilburn has retired this year after 11 years of being teaching leader and 25 years of BSF leadership in all. She is the kind of woman I would like to become- wise, witty, warm and real. I cant wait for Fall!

I cant believe its been so long since I posted. It has been busy- we went to Chicago for Chris' brother's wedding and then had some family in town, and Chris' birthday somewhere in the middle.

This is a recent photo of the boys in Jake's room. Jacob is out of preschool for the summer and Luke started saying his name (baby Luke). They are going to go to gymnastics this summer which should be a blast for them both.

Luke is almost 22 months and Jacob is 4 years old. My babies are growing so fast!